- When: Monday 24 February
- Time: 7.30pm-9.30pm
- Where: Online/Zoom
- Cost: £5
To shine a spotlight on Children’s Mental Health week, we are delighted to bring you a panel of fabulous speakers, who through their lives and their work have not only addressed personal mental health issues, but have used their voices and platforms to raise awareness and to advocate.
Let’s meet the panel!
- Shahida: “I have been visually impaired since birth. Mother to three daughters, my youngest two children were also born visually impaired. I live in Stockport, in the North West of England with my children, I am currently employed as a civil servant. I have had a long standing interest in mental health and recently qualified as a councillor, my specialism in this sector is with children and adolescents.” Shahida is also a very dedicated VICTA volunteer and assists our young people when they attend face to face events nationally.
- Samantha Gough: “I’m a full-time blind elite athlete and a social media content creator. I am the current captain of the Blind England Lionesses. I also row on the GB paralympic pathway with a large background in multiple other sports. I am also an ambassador for visual impairments and advocate for inclusive sports due to my experience of being excluded in sport growing up due to my disability. I use my social media platform to raise awareness on visual impairments and document my life with sight loss.” Samantha has been a part of the VICTA family for many years, originally as a participant, but has also delivered talks to our parents in face to face settings.
- Grace Hill: “I am 24 years old and I live in Suffolk. I work part-time in service user participation in mental health in the NHS, using my own experiences and representing the voice of young people to help them improve the system and speak up for the care they deserve. Outside of work I try to volunteer as much as I can, both inside and outside of the VI sector, and I am incredibly creative with writing, music and (brutally bad) dancing. I have been a massive fan of Kiss FM since I was very young, and the dream of being played on Kiss as an artist is one of my main motivations to take care of every aspect of my health, even on the hardest of days.” Grace is also currently part of the VICTA Changemakers programme.
This session is for parents of children who are keen to hear first-hand accounts from our speakers about how they have lived with visual impairment and despite the barriers and challenges have carved out successful careers and have used their life experiences to help others. Promoting inclusivity, raising awareness and activism have all played a part in creating the lives they currently lead. They can talk about what their younger lives were like and how practical changes and emotional intelligence have shaped who they are today. A must listen for any parents of children who may be struggling with managing their own well-being.
The session will be made up of talks and presentations with allocated time at the end for a Q&A.