Early Years – World of Play
Scented sand play
Scented magic or kinetic sand has been included in your pack as it’s a really fun way to introduce smell to an early years child and perfect for tactile play. You can mould and sculpt it and it stays in place!
Scented magic or kinetic sand has been included in your pack as it’s a really fun way to introduce smell to an early years child and perfect for tactile play. You can mould and sculpt it and it stays in place!
Start playing!
- Ease your child into the play. Let them get used to the texture of the sand. Put it in the context of wet sand at the beach.
- Talk about the different smells, can you match them to real objects?
- Can you mould the sand into a shape that matches its smell?
- Make scented discrimination games, find out more here: https://www.victaparents.org.uk/scented-game/
- Make a small world tray with the sand and include small figures and toys to play with in the sand.
- Use moulds to build 3D shapes and sand castles.
- Pat the sand flat and press toys, shapes, LEGO bricks, cookie cutters, shells or even fruit and vegetables into it to make an imprint. You could write their name or use dots for braille.
- Bury objects in the sand so they can dig for them.
- Use a paint brush to paint onto the sand for a calming activity.
- Make tactile patterns using toilet roll tubes, or other items found around the home.