This is a process which must occur annually for pupils with an EHCP.  The Annual Review process is commenced in a meeting forum with the purpose of reviewing the pupil’s progress over the preceding 12 months and to assess the adequacy of the support package the pupil is receiving and whether there is any need to change any content in the EHCP.

The Annual Review meeting is normally arranged (and takes place) at the pupil’s school.  The Local Authority and other agencies involved with the pupil are invited to attend/ contribute to the meeting.   Discussions will surround issues like what has worked well for the pupil what has not been so successful and what the pupil is expected to achieve in the next 12 months. The School will usually produce minutes of the meeting and must produce an annual review report which it must then send to the Local Authority for consideration.

Thereafter the Local Authority considers the documentation provided by the School and must issue a decision within 4 weeks; either proposing to amend the EHCP or propose to maintain it in its current form i.e. refusing to amend the Plan.

If the LA decided to refuse to amend the Plan, this must be sent in writing and give the Parent a right of appeal to the SEN Tribunal against this decision.

If the LA decided to amend the Plan, it must also communicate this in writing and then issue a proposed amended Draft Plan detailing the Proposed changes, offering the Parent an opportunity to make representations, before issuing it in Final form.