This blog was kindly submitted by 11 year old Finn’s Mum, Charlotte. In this blog, written from Finn’s perspective, he shares his journey as a part-time long cane user, detailing how much how using it has positively impacted his day to day life.

Hi I’m Finn and I’d like to tell you a little about my journey so far with ‘the cane’. I started mobility training last summer by firstly moving around the school and then into my local town of Bewdley. Although, I’m technically registered blind I do have usable sight and we thought it may be a good idea to learn to use ‘the cane’ to allow me to become more independent.
A lot of people around me don’t realise I’m vision impaired and I don’t always get the space I need to help me get around. I struggle with depth perception so find bumps and uneven ground difficult. But enough of that!
I’m not a full time cane user but keep it when I know I’m going to be in busy situations or difficult terrain. I used it a lot when I went on holiday to Dorset, I was able to independently go off for a mooch at a car boot. I think it actually helped me get some bargains and people didn’t think it was strange when I needed to look at items more closely.
I even managed to help someone else who was having trouble crossing a busy road, they tagged on behind me as people and drivers could see I needed more time to cross the road. It is so nice not to have people bumping into me or them thinking I’m not looking where I’m going.
On holiday we went to Monkey World and I didn’t have to stick with mum, I was able to navigate the slopes and steps by myself and mum found it easier to spot me!
Me and my family have realised how much easier it makes getting around especially now I’m getting older and want to do more things by myself, more safely and by letting others know I may need help, time or space! I’m looking forward to more day trips in the future knowing I have ‘the cane’ to help me.
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